Friday 30 August 2013

Pirates in the hall.

It’s hard to believe that we are at the end of week three! Doesn’t the time fly! Our new P1 pupils have enjoyed their first week full-time.

Bon voyage to our P7 pupils who are off to spend a week at Dalguise Outdoor Centre from Monday. The activities sound fantastic and we look forward to hearing all about it when they return. Fingers crossed for good weather!

After School Activities start next week. Please help keep our children safe and our school secure by waiting in the playground. The children will be brought to you at the end of the activity. Thank you.

Our first Parent Council Meeting took place last Monday. Thank you for all your very helpful input and support. The AGM will be held on Monday 9 September and we look forward to seeing you then.

On Friday 27 September, from 12 – 2 pm, Flora Stevenson Primary is taking part in Stockfest (a week long community festival in Stockbridge).  Flora’s World Family Celebration is an opportunity to celebrate the wonderful cultural diversity we have at Flora’s.

We are looking for parents/carers, from a range of different cultural backgrounds, to decorate a stall/table in the school hall, to represent a particular country or region of the world.   For example, South American countries may wish to group together depending on numbers of interested parents.   Likewise, if several people from the same country would like to be involved (i.e. France), they may be asked to share a stall.

On the day, the doors will be open to anyone who wishes to come, and they will be able to visit all of the different stalls.  Children will be issued with a special passport that can be stamped at each stall they visit.

Parents and children would be able to decorate or set up their stall as they like, using pictures, photographs, artefacts and souvenirs from their countries.  The stalls could be prepared on the day from 11.00 am.

There will be opportunities for children throughout the school to be involved in activities and art work relating to the event, in the weeks leading up to Stockfest.

There will also be an International Café from 12 – 2 pm , parents will be asked to kindly contribute some baked goods representing different cultural backgrounds to sell on the day.  The event will be free, but a small charge will be asked to buy food or drink from the Café on the day.  All children must be accompanied by an adult.


If you would like further information please email

Other dates for your diary.
Our P1 Parent Information Evening will be held on Tuesday 10 September at 6.30pm and all P1 parents are warmly invited along.

Parents/Carers in P2 to P7 are warmly invited to a ‘Meet the Teacher’ Evening on Tuesday 17 September where staff will talk about the year ahead.  There will be two sessions to allow parents with more than one child to attend other class talks at 6pm and 6.30pm.

A meeting for Nursery parents/carers will be held in October after all children have enrolled for the session.

Monday 16 September is a holiday and the school and nursery are closed on that day.

Once again, we are participating in the ‘Stockfest’ by celebrating the diverse nature of our school with ‘Flora’s World Family Day’ on Friday 27 September. Look out for further details very shortly!

To ensure that children have an opportunity to make new friends and work with old friends, all Primary 1 children have worked together on their ‘Bear’ topic and all Primary 2 have had great fun finding out about pirates.  
Children have been working very successfully in ‘House’ Groups.

Mrs Brennan