Friday 23 August 2013

23 August 2013

Flora's First Green Flag

22 August 2013

Dear Parent/Carer

I am delighted to see everyone back at school and settling into the new term.  

As we are now into the second week of the new session, I thought I would take this opportunity to remind you of some of the administration processes within the school.

The school office is open from 8.30 am to 3.30 pm, Monday to Thursday and 8.30 am to 12.30 pm each Friday.     As from Monday 26 August the office will close from 9.30 am to 10.15 am each day for registration purposes.     

Please note that all money and return slips for the school should be put in a sealed envelope clearly marked with your child’s name and class.  Your child must then pass this to your class teacher and not the school office.  Payment should be made in the form of the exact cash or cheque.  This will then be collected each day from the classroom.   

All lunch orders and payments must be handed via your child to the class each Tuesday morning in order for this to be processed for the following week.  In the event that your child is absent on the Tuesday, please refer to your school lunch booklet and telephone the office with your order by 9.30 am.  Should you have more than one child in the school, it would be helpful if each order form could be kept separate.

Should you wish to purchase a book bag, school bag or tie from the school, it would be much appreciated if you could avoid the office during the extremely busy times at the beginning and end of the day, however, we would encourage you to send this request to school with your child via the class teacher in a sealed envelope and the office will ensure this is delivered to your child’s class to take home with them.
Should your child have an appointment throughout the school day, a note must be passed via your child to the class teacher who will inform the office. 

All school uniform is ordered online at and can be delivered either to the school or your home address which will incur a small postal charges.  Details can be found on the Border Embroideries website.   If you are making payment by vouchers, this can be processed by the school office.
As I am sure you can appreciate as we have an extremely busy school office, it would be much appreciated if you could ensure your child comes to school fully equipped for the day including packed lunches, gym kit, etc.   Can I also ask that your child is picked up on time each day and that they know who is collecting them.

This will help alleviate long queues and waiting times at the school office and help us provide a more efficient service.  Thank you for your continued support.

Flora’s Opportunities for All Fund - Achievement for All

We pride ourselves on being an inclusive school and wish all our pupils to have access to all activities and events in school.  With the support of the Parent Council, a fund has been set up to ensure that no child is unable to attend activities and events due to financial circumstances.  Each club has been asked to contribute a percentage of any profits towards this fund.

Should you wish to access this fund, please speak to me in confidence by telephoning the school office to make an appointment..

School Photographs
Please note our School Photographer will be in school on Thursday 29 August to take all class photographs. 

Active Schools Programme
Please note information with regards to the Active Schools Clubs for this session will be sent out to all classes in the next couple of days.

Fruit Washing P1/P2 parents. 
We require volunteers who can give 1h-1h1/2 on Mondays (or on the first days of school resuming after breaks). The idea is that the more volunteers we have, the less frequent the job would be for each person.
Please could anyone who is interested in getting involved contact Isabelle Rosevear, on the Parent Council email:, with their name and mobile number or phone Isabelle on 079 48 26 48 19.