Sunday 7 May 2017

Flora’s Flyer for Friday 5 May 2017

Huge thanks to our local scout group who are planning to help by sweeping and spreading more bark in our playground and painting our benches. It is wonderful to have their help looking after and improving our playground. Thank you Mr Popovic, one of our parents for organising.

Sadly, the playground has been vandalised on several occasions over the last few weeks. Most recently the nursery picnic table and plant pots smashed, one of our blue planters from the main entrance smashed, flowers planted by P1 had their heads lopped off and bins overturned and emptied. We have involved our community police officers. Our playground is such a lovely resource for the community and we would be loath to lock the gates, however if the vandalism continues we may need to consider that option.

Our wonderful janitor, Mr Macinnes is retiring at the end of May and will be greatly missed. We are very grateful to him for all he does to look after our school and send huge thanks to him.

Head Teacher’s Awards were presented to:

P1 Louis, Bobby, Ellen, Lucy, James, Maia, Callum and Theo

P2 Mariam and Elise

P3 Aryan, Mia and Drisith

P4 Iris, Mohsin, James, Iris and Olivia

P5 Charlie, Aimee, Ina and Adnan

P6 Idil, Sidar and William

P7 Charlie and Fabio

Thank you to Alice for playing the piano and congratulations to P4c for their wonderful assembly on the human body. Well done!

The sunshine is forecast to continue and I hope you have an enjoyable weekend.

Best wishes

Irene Brennan