Monday 13 March 2017

Flora’s Flyer for Friday 10th March 2017

Dear Parent/Carer

We would like to thank all parents and carers who are parking away from the school gates and using Waitrose or side streets to park. Parking on both sides of Comely Bank Road makes crossing safely extremely difficult and reduces traffic flow to one lane making it very difficult to see the crossing. We are very grateful to the Council for painting ‘keep clear’ outside our school gates. The gates are closed and locked to ensure pupil safety during school hours. However, this is our only vehicular access into school and MUST be kept clear at all times in case an ambulance or fire engine requires access. Thank you for your continued support. Additional yellow line markings will be added allowing traffic wardens to issue tickets immediately.

A group of 32 P7 girls attended a SmartSTEM event at RBS Gogarburn last Wednesday to celebrate International Women’s Day. The girls worked through a variety of workshops including designing apps for ipads, Minibit electronic circuits, Virtual Reality construction projects and scratch programming. The girls also investigated the difference between complicated and complex problems and how to approach solving them using organisational methods taken from the animal kingdom. A small group of our pupils were interviewed by STV and appeared on Live at 5 on Wednesday evening. They discussed their future career plans, who their role models are and how much they enjoyed the event. More details can be found on our twitter feed @florasprimary. Well done, girls!

Well done also to Primary 2 for their wonderful assembly, telling us all about Holi, the Hindu festival of Colour. They then stunned us all with an amazing fashion show. Their tie dyed and paint splattered t-shirts were fabulous! It was wonderful to see so many parents/carers and friends at their fashion show. Thank you all for attending and joining in with the dancing!

Music School Resonate Concert

We are so proud of Hailun and Joel for their superb performances at the Queen’s Hall. Their individual piano and violin recitals opened a truly wonderful evening of music.

Great performances at the weekend also from James, Conall and Pavel who played exceptionally well at the semi and quarter finals of Edinburgh Schools Badminton Championships. Well done!

Shane, Zac, Manon, Will, Laura and Sophia were excellent ambassadors for Flora’s at the Children’s Parliament Investigators’ event at the City Chambers. They showcased their work and were amazing presenters and very articulate in their video. Very proud of you all. Well done!

Head Teacher’s Awards were presented to:

P1 Sophia, Alana, Rory, Felicity, Florence and Madeleine

P2 Vincent, Abigail, Jasmin, Cameron, Natasha and Lazar

P3 Sophie, Lyle and Eva

P4 Shree, Scarlett and Ellie

P5 Muir and Rosie

P6 James, Matthew and Maya

P7 Abigail and Harry.

Thank you to Amy and Amelia for their fabulous duet.

Well done everyone!

Best wishes

Irene Brennan

News from the Parent Council

Dear Parent/Carer,

You are invited to the Parent Council Coffee Morning this Friday, 17 March, 9-10:30 in the Waitrose Community Room. Snacks and hot drinks provided. Come for a chat, to meet other parents and carers, or if you have any questions or comments. Little ones welcome.

The next Parent Council Meeting is on Monday 20th March at 7pm in the Music School

We hope to see you there!
FS Parent Council