Monday 20 March 2017

Flora’s Flyer for 17th March 2017

Dear Parent/Carer

Have you noticed the stencils on the pavements encouraging our children to count their steps to school? Many thanks to Ms Cook, Mr McLeod from Broughton and our Junior Road Safety Officers.

Our Health and Wellbeing Flora’s Forum have planned lots of exciting activities for the last two weeks of term. Their Fighting Fit Fortnight kicks off with a ‘Monday Mile.’ Information has been sent out by Parentmail and here is the letter again.

Fighting Fit at Flora’s with Comic Relief

As part of the Health and Wellbeing Forum, the children have come up with the fantastic idea of the whole school becoming healthier, happier and fitter together, whilst raising money for Comic Relief.

To achieve this, we will be spending two weeks doing fitness related activities in school and at home from Monday 13th March to Friday 24th March.

Firstly, we would like the children to bring in a photo showing the most interesting way they currently keep active! This is an optional task and the most interesting and imaginative ways of staying active will win a prize. Entries should be handed to class teachers by Friday 17th March.

Secondly, the children will take part in a ‘Flora’s Mile!’, where we will invite pupils and staff to walk, jog or run a mile around the school on Monday the 20th of March. The children will be invited to come to school in active wear on that day.

We would also like to improve the children’s fitness, by increasing their activity levels outside school, encouraging healthy habits that they can continue throughout their lives. We would like them to complete a fitness diary writing or drawing all the ways they are active during the week. These will be handed out along with the weeks Home Learning on the 20th March, to be returned on the 26th March.

Finally, on Friday 26th March we would like the children to come to school wearing red and bring £1 for Comic Relief. At assembly that day we will be performing the Sport Relief song and dance.

We hope this will be a fun and active fortnight and thank you for your support!

We thoroughly enjoyed P2b’s assembly on Edinburgh. What a fantastic presentation! Next, it’s P7b’s turn to present an assembly on Friday 24th. Parents/Carers of P7b are invited to join us at 9.00am.

We look forward to seeing you on either the 29th or 30th March for our next round of Parent- Teacher Consultations.

Head Teacher Awards this week were presented to:

P1 Daniel, Miku, Lola, Sam, Zawaad, Maia, Harry and Sadie

P2 Rajj, Abigail, Olivia, Matthew, Lucy and Gabriel

P3 Saskia, Rajani and Anna

P4 Sugar, Sarah, Zoe and Iga

P5 Oliver, Denzel and Hanna

P6 Florence, Daniel, Caitlin, Leon, Corin and Sophia Rose

P7 Isla and Ame

Many thanks to Joel for his wonderful performance on the piano at assembly.

Best wishes

Irene Brennan