Saturday 28 October 2017

Flyer for 28/10/2017

What a fantastic week at Flora’s!

Our Friday Assemblies focussed on Keeping Connected and having a BACK UP TEAM! We know that positive friendships help our health and wellbeing and over the next few weeks we will be identifying our back up team, thinking about extending our friendship circles and recognising the qualities we need to be a good back up team member to our friends and family.

We had an outstanding piano solo from one of our P7 Music School Students. As she played we allowed our imaginations to wander and our P1s said the music made them think of ‘a whale in the ocean’, ‘a ballet dancer’ and ‘a train going really fast’. It’s wonderful to have such inspirational contributions from our instrumentalists.

Other contributions were celebrated at our Head Teacher’s Tea Party. Our children have been awarded certificates from their class teachers for putting in extra effort, being kind and helpful and for being resilient!

A huge thank you to a group of parents who are helping us reorganise our art resources. Over the next few weeks I will be meeting parents to look at our transition process and how we continue to ensure our new families are welcomed and supported when they join our school. If you would like to contribute to the discussion please contact your class parent council rep.

Up and coming dates for your diary include

-          Music School Open Day at Broughton on Sat 4th between 11 and 1230
-          Flu Vaccinations on 13th November
-          Parent Council Meeting on 13th November at 7pm
-          Dress Down Day – be bright be seen 24th November

and on 10th November Deirdre Brock, Member of Parliament, will be coming to school to celebrate our Primary 6 project on Malawi and their send a friend to school campaign.

Mr James Blues has joined us as our SSO (sometimes known as janitor!) and I am really pleased to announce that we have appointed Ms Alison Heron as our new Business Manager. Ms Heron currently works at Murrayburn Primary and she will now work full time between both schools. She has done great work with the Murrayburn Parent Council and is on the Pupil Gardening Group!

Ms Caroline Barker our school administrator has secured a new post as a PSA at a High School and we will say cheerio to her in the next couple of weeks. Mrs Rusbridge, P5 teacher will be going on maternity leave at the end of the year.  Both vacancies will be advertised and I will inform you when appointments are made.

And so a thank you to my Flora’s Back Up Team. Our staff, our community partners, our parents, our colleagues in the Music School and at Broughton High and our children.

At Flora’s we all matter which means at Flora’s we will all achieve.

From Ms McGhee and everyone at Flora’s